Best The Birth of a Nation [1915] DVD

The Birth of a Nation [1915] DVD
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Looking for GREATE DEALS & BEST BUY on The Birth of a Nation [1915] DVD ? You are in the right place to get Cheapest The Birth of a Nation [1915]. You can compare prices and read reviews on The Birth of a Nation [1915] here.

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Here are some of the great features of The Birth of a Nation [1915] DVD

, Birth of a Nation (1915) is now available on DVD. Produced by D.W. Griffith and Harry Aitken, Directed by D.W. Griffith, Written by D.W. Griffith, Starring Lillian Gish, Mae Marsh, Henry B. Walthall and many more talented actors. The runtime on our version of Birth of a Nation is 187 minutes. A story of two families fighting for opposing armies during the Civil War. The consequences of the war are demonstrated through historical events such as Siege of Petersburg, the assassination of President Lincoln, and the birth of the Ku Klux Klan. Find this and all your other favorite classic movies on DVD at Amazon from Timeless DVDs. (Read More)

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